My Writing


“The Fruit on the Farthest Branch” Humber Literary Review (2021) Print Web

“Stray Dandelions” The New Quarterly (2021) Print Web

“Good Girl” Potomac Review (2021) Print Web

“The Naked Dream” Sou’wester (2021) Print

“On the Bank of the Nile” Zone 3 (Fall 2020) Print 

“Move Around Us” EVENT (2020) Print

“After the Election” Epiphany (2020) Print Web

“Homemade” descant (2020) Print Longlisted for Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2017

“While Tehran Was Silent” Hermine Annual (2020) Print Finalist for Canada’s National Magazine Awards

“Bazaar Bozorg” Bare Life Review (Vol 3) Print

“The Mansion” Saturday Evening Post (Fall 2019) Web

“The Late Bloomer” The Fiddlehead (Summer 2019) Print

“Honey” Flock (May 2019) Print

“Cured” Four Way Review (Spring 2019) Web

“Relapse” Emrys Journal (May 2019) Print Winner of Sue Lile Inman Fiction Award / Nominated for Pushcart 2020

“Destination: Tehran” Minnesota Review (Spring 2019) Print

“The Thing” The Capra Review (Winter 2019) Web

“Slight Turbulence Ahead” Bellevue Literary Review (Fall 2018) Print Shortlisted for Tennessee Williams Short Fiction Prize

“Hollowed Out” failbetter (Fall 2018) Web

“Extremely Lucky” Belletrist (2018) Print

“A Galaxy Far Far Away” Bird’s Thumb (October 2018) Web

“The Lacking World” Rumpus (June 2018) Web

“5-Across” Watershed Review (May 2018) Web  Nominated for Best of Net 2018

“Curse of the Last Illiterate” Catapult (April 2018) Web

“Heavenly Nourishment” Portland Review Vol 63 (April 2017) Print Nominated for Pushcart 2018

“Bloody Steak” The Los Angeles Review No. 21 (Spring 2017) Print Web

“Dayi” The Malahat Review No. 198 (Spring 2017) Print Interview

“In Silhouette” Hobart (January 2017) Web

“The Tajreesh Incident” Litro (November 2016) Web


“Sisters and Lists” The Boiler (2019) Web

“Viral” Wigleaf (Fall 2018) Web

“Save the Date” Apt, a Literary Magazine (November 2017) Web Longlisted for Wigleaf 50

“The Gaffe” Passages North (May 2017) Web


“The Architect” Post Road (2022) Print Web (forthcoming)

“The Innocent Gaze of Irene Jacob” Santa Ana River Review (Fall 2020) Web


“In Isolation, But For Once Not Alone” The Bare Life Review (May 2020) Web

“Movie Night in Tehran” The Walrus Print Web

“Shaping a New Voice – Or, How the Specter of Censorship Still Haunts Me” carte blanche (July 2017) Web